Monday 7 October 2013

All smoked out!

So, some how I've managed to go an entire seven days without smoking a cigarette and I'm feeling rather proud of myself. Yes, I am one of many who have decided to take part in this year's Stoptober campaign...and so far, so good. 

Now, I need to be honest here. I've been thinking about how I need to quit the dirty habit for quite some time now, but I never even thought about Stoptober until my friend Becca got in touch with me.

She is a wonderful PR, and Stoptober just so happens to be one of her campaigns. So when she suggested that I take part in Stoptober, and write about my experience, how could I refuse? 

I've been a smoker on and off for around four years (I think?!) Obviously I'd dabbled before that, and like most people, I started out as an innocent 'social smoker,' but more recently - specifically this year - I have been smoking more than ever. 

Having one of my last EVER cigarettes in the Big Brother house!
Now, there's many excuses I could give as to why I've been smoking more. The break-up of my seven year relationship, stress, social events blah blah blah! But the fact of the matter is, I've been spending too much of my hard earned cash on packet upon packet of Mayfair Smooths, and have gotten into a terrible habit. So as well as improving my health, I am looking forward to being a little bit richer each month now that I've kicked the dirty habit. 

However, they may say that the first week is the hardest, but I know that I've still got  a fair few hurdles in front of me....mainly nights out that involve alcohol! For some reason, as soon as you've had a few beers/cocktails/JD's and coke, you really want to nip outside for a quick ciggie, but on Saturday I had my first night out in October and I managed to say "NO!" and boy did it feel good the next day when I woke up and my hair didn't stink of cigarette smoke! 

So until next week, I'm gonna keep thinking of the money I'm saving, maybe eat some chocolate each time I have a craving and think of how wonderful my lungs must be starting to look now that I'm giving them a well-deserved break! 

Wish me luck :)

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