Sunday 22 September 2013

And I call myself a writer...

I am utterly ashamed to say that I haven't posted on here since August 2011, but that is all about to change. Yes, a couple of years ago I decided to set up this blog and ended up apologising to it every few months after neglecting it.

Well, I am pleased to say that A LOT has changed since I set up this blog, which was previously called 'The Dog Days Are (Far From) Over,' as the days of me being a struggling freelance journo are over! In August 2011 I landed an amazing job at the Daily Mail Online as part of the showbiz team. Now, the job did have it's ups and downs - the ups being the fact that I worked for the number one newspaper website in the world, met lots of amazing people and gained excellent digital experience, and the downs being the night shifts and hate mail from hardcore Kylie Minogue fans!

But without those 15 months at the Mail Online, I would never be where I am today, and that is at the Daily Express Online! I started working there in February this year, and I absolutely love it! I work with a great bunch of people, I am lucky enough to do sociable hours and I get some fantastic perks (I love a freebie, and I'm not ashamed to admit it!)

So, my excuse for neglecting my wonderful blog is that I've been pretty busy over the last two years, changing jobs, moving house several times and writing neverending stories about the likes of Kim Kardashian and co. but now I'm back, and I'm determined to stick at it - especially as I've become somewhat of a social butterfly lately!

As you'll notice, I have decided to change the name of my blog. This is mainly because the original title represented my quest to find the perfect journalist job, and now that I have my amazing job, I am no longer fighting those dog days. Instead, I have named it after a song by my all-time favourite band, The Gaslight Anthem.

The foursome, now fivesome, from New Jersey are just too good for words and I've been lucky enough to see them live several times and have even interviewed their frontman Brian Fallon. So, to ease you into my brand spanking new blog, I think my next post will be dedicated to that wonderful hour that I spent with Mr Fallon :)